How a young girl reminded me about the truth of dreams, reality, and love.

How a young girl reminded me about the truth of dreams, reality, and love.

Posted by on Oct 4, 2013 in Indiegogo, Stories | 0 comments

Today, I want to tell you a story. It’s a story about yearning, dreaming, making, shamanic journeying, and love. Because, without love, why bother? Once there was a little girl who was a maker. Her interests were deep and wide. She painted, she wrote, she put on plays. Entrepreneurially-minded, she offered neighborhood face-painting events, toy-box “garage” sales, and homemade carnivals. She looked for any excuse to make. And make BIG. She could have settled for...

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Bridge to a creative life?

Bridge to a creative life?

Posted by on Sep 27, 2013 in Indiegogo, Major Arcana, Readings, Stories | 0 comments

Yee-ow, this has been a busy year. One brand-new website, 23 pieces of original art, two art shows, one unfunded Kickstarter, one (kick-ass) booth at World Domination Summit, one hundred First Edition Major Arcana decks in happy homes, and one magnificent workshop later, here I am: preparing to release a new and improved edition of The Portland Tarot Major Arcana deck and launching an Indiegogo campaign to raise the moolah to print it! Make no bones about it: I want this...

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