Portland, Oregon. A place for seekers, stubbornly independent souls who are determined to make their own way. Where the artist runs wild, both madly in love with the richness of ancient archetypes and stubbornly subversive of them.
Hmm, sounds like the world of Tarot, doesn’t it?
I live in and love Portland. You don’t have to live here to resonate with the energy of the place. It’s given me many gifts, and I’ve turned to it (and more importantly, its inhabitants) for inspiration for this quirky, story-driven, and symbol-rich deck.

The Lovers
Portlandia this is not (though, hey, it’s a hoot!)… This deck is a love-letter to the city, and any fierce wanderer would find delight and insight through its images. Forget fairies and angels and princesses… They’re all well and good, but in this deck you will meet Death on a Unicorn, LGBT Lovers (with a winged Cu-Pug in attendance), five of wands doing Roller Derby, and other assorted characters against backdrops of old movie theaters, beautiful bridges, and quirky shops.
Making a deck is a massive undertaking! Much like the Fool’s Journey described by the major arcana of the Tarot, I will pass through many gateways to get to my destination — now that I’ve completed the Major Arcana deck, I’m hard at work to complete the full 79 card deck.
I’m busy at work, and will be through 2017. If you think this is the deck you were waiting for (or even just one you think you might like to add to your collection), check out the Major Arcana deck or sign up below and keep tabs on my progress for the rest of the deck. I’ll send updates, announce new card illustrations, and even offer a special promotion from time to time. Plus, you’ll get a free wallpaper of a special, bonus piece from the newest edition of the deck..
C’mon, y’know you wanna! Enter your email below and click “Sign Up!” It’s just that easy (and don’t forget, free).
“Theresa is a unique artist. I first took notice of her at a web development meeting. Her shocking pink hair and big smile drew me to her. I have truly enjoyed every stimulating conversation and collaboration we’ve had since. There is no half-hearted pursuit with Theresa. She goes at each project with a great passion, blending her technical skills with her artistic vision.”
Bill Wadhams
Lead singer of Animotion